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Q: What is a six-letter word with g as the fifth letter?
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What is the fifth letter of Arabic alphabet?

The fifth letter of the Arabic alphabet is the letter "د" which is pronounced as "daal" and has a similar sound to the English letter "D".

11 letter word that starts with a g?

letter word that starts with a g?"

Can you provide an example of a word that pairs the letter "c" with the letter "g"?

An example of a word that pairs the letter "c" with the letter "g" is "cage."

Consider the leters of the alphabet written in the order from left to right ie from a to z the letter which is fourth to the left of the letter which is fifth to the right of f is explain?

First determine the letter that is the fifth to the right of "F", which is the letter "K". Then count four letters to the left of "K" and you'll get the letter "G". The answer is G.

What is a 7 letter word with the third letter an o and the fourth letter a g?

Blogger is a seven letter word that the 3rd letter is an O and the 4th letter is a G.

What is a three letter word ending with g?

a three letter word is bug. Three letter words ending with the letter g are bug and hug.

Can you provide an example of a word that pairs the letter 'g' with the letter 'c'"?

One example of a word that pairs the letter 'g' with the letter 'c' is "magic."

Which letter is silent in dough?

The letter "g" is silent in the word "dough."