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A single eyeglass lens is called a monocle and is rarely used nowadays.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Either a monocle or a telescope depending on your meaning.

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Q: What is a single eyeglass called?
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What is AAA single eye-glass called?

A monocle. There have been a number of versions of spectacles down through the centuries which includes the monocle (which is a single eyeglass lens).single eye glass?lens

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Is eyeglasses word is always plural?

No. In my experience, an eyeglass is often found as a single item.

What do you call the chain attached to eyeglasses?

The chain attached to eyeglasses is called an eyeglass chain or eyeglass holder. It is used to keep the glasses secure around the wearer's neck when not in use.

What do you call a jeweler's eyeglass?

A jeweler's lens is called a loupe.

What is the easiest eyeglass cleaner?

There are many easy eyeglass cleaners in the world. The easiest eyeglass cleaner is called the Uline pop-up lens cleaning wipes. The Uline pop-up lens cleaning wipes can be purchased on the official Uline webpage.

Who made the eyeglass frame that Katie Couric wore on her show?

The are called Eyebobs.

What do you call around the neck eyeglass holders?

At they are referred to as "peepers keepers", eyeglass necklaces or eyeglass leashes.

What are Sarah Palin's eyeglass frames?

They are called Kawasaki 704 Gray Titanium eyeglasses.

Is eyeglass is a compound word?

yes eyeglass is a compound word

What do you call the case that hold eyeglasses?

It is called an "eyeglass case" just as expected. Nothing tricky about it.

What is the difference between Versace eyeglass frames and other eyeglass frames?

The difference between ordinary eyeglass frames and the Versace eyeglass frames are that the Versace frames have been designed by a professional fashion expert and shaped to be extremely comfortable.