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Q: What is a shade of red that starts with c?
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What crayon colors begin with C?

Cardinal is a vivid red color. Carnelian is a shade of reddish-brown. Crimson is a red color. Cornell Red is a shade of red used by Cornell University in its official materials and logos.

What logo has a red background and starts with the letter C?


Is auburn a shade of red or brown?

it's a shade of red. To be more specific, it's a darker shade of red with brown in it.

A little red froot that starts with a c and its 6 letters?


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A bright red color starting with C. Thank you. I found my color. It was Cerise?

A bright red color that starts with C is crimson or carmine.

When was A Nicer Shade of Red created?

A Nicer Shade of Red was created in 2000.

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Is crimson a shade of red or pink?

Crimson is a shade of red. It is a deep, rich red color with a hint of blue.

What is something that is always red and starts with the letter n?

Number 40, aka FD&C Red #40.

Help bio hlw What is the test for sugar?

benidicts reagent/solution it starts off blue, if sugar is present it will go brick red (a shade of)