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Agar is a seaweed extract. It is used in food.

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Q: What is a seaweed extract starting with AG?
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Do they use seaweed to thicken up milkshake?

Yes (or rather, an extract of seaweed).

What does the naming agar as agar agar denote?

an extract of seaweed

Is seaweed used to thicken icecream?

In some store-bought brands it is. Algin is an extract made of seaweed.

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Why would you add carrageenan an extract of Irish Moss or sodium alginate an extract of another seaweed to ice cream?

To keep it from crystallizing

What is agar made of?

Agar is made from a type of seaweed called red algae. The seaweed is boiled and processed to extract the agar, which is a gelatinous substance used as a thickening agent in cooking and as a medium for culturing microorganisms in laboratories.

Is sea weed used to thicken ice cream?

A seaweed extract called Carrageenan is used to help thicken ice cream. Agar is also a product from seaweed that is also used as a thickening agent.

What is the name of the edible seaweed used in japan and starting with e?

Euchema cottonii

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Facts on carragheen a type of seaweed?

A red alga Chondrus crispus of Rhodophyceae also known as iris moss and found as sea weed is known for its gelatinus extract. This extract called carragheen is widely used in food industry.

What is Alfa PXP?

PXP is the name given to a simple carbohydrate powder with seaweed extract added. It confers no proven or substantiated health benefits as claimed.