Road closure, ran out of gas and radiator overheated are reasons for being late. They begin with the letter r.
Some household items starting with the letter R are:refrigeratorrange
Recorder is a musical instrument. It begins with the letter r.
A six letter word for a bird of prey starting with the letter R is "raptor."
-Really, I wasn't late -Ran over a cop -Rushed and got a ticket -Randall ate the bus
roof rate reason root reality
road closure
R v Clarke (1972)Defect of reason does not include absentmindedness.It means being deprived of the power to reason not just failing to use it.
road closedradiator overheated
There are no ocean names starting with "R" - there is a sea, the 'Red Sea'.
Some household items starting with the letter R are:refrigeratorrange
The Reeve starts with R