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For Free players, the only fast way prayer (and it will still take a while) is to buy loads of big bones from the Grand Exchange (North from Varrock west bank, also from the west of the Varrock Castle) In order to really level, you've got to buy loads. There are also quests that give you prayer xp (The Restless Ghost), and there are other ways like the Safety miniquest in Edgeville (rub the lamps the professer gives you, then select the prayer icon) Members can still use this strategy, but they should try to get dragon bones, and use them on a guilded alter (2 lighters is the best) (boosts prayer point leveling by loads!) Hope that helped! by Master of Intellegence. Also, For free players, you can go to the Chaos Temple (it is in the wilderness. Its surrounded by lava on the map, easy to spot out) There are many bones that respawn there. 11 of them are almost right next to each other. What you can do is go to world 1 (for faster respawns of the bones) and collect all 11. Then bury them. By the time you bury them they should respawn, keep doing this until you get the prayer level you desire. You SHOULDNT download a bot or a mouse-recorder to automatically pick up the bones and bury them for you. As this is not allowed and will get your account banned... ;)

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Q: What is a quick way to train Prayer on Runescape?
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Dragon Bones on a Gilded Altar.

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What is a good way to train prayer?

You can buy big bones at the grand exchange.

Best way to train prayer p2p rs?

Bury large bones.