A person who travels from place to place to sell goods is called a peddler. This term originated from the Middle English word pedlere.
sell 30k worth of farming goods
Spend or Sell 240,000 Worth of Goods and get a Wi-Fi or Local Visitor to Visitor to Buy or Sell 1 Item from Previous Store Upgrades.
Yeah and then the person will fix it
They can buy wholesale goods cheaply because they have so many customers.
a place to buy/sell goods and services
to make money
A pawn shop or swap meet.
any place were consumers and producers buy and sell goods and services
A traveling or door-to-door salesman.
A stockbroker is a person or middle man who sell goods on the principals behalf.
There are a few places a person can find a make your own candle kit. The best place to look is at craft stores such as Home Goods or Micheal's where they sell these products.
They refused to sell goods to them.
Any place where consumers and producers buy and sell goods and services
When a sales person works 'on commission', that person's earnings are directly tied to the amount of goods, services or products that the sales person can sell.
An outlet is a place where retailers sell clothing at a discount or warehouse price. The goods are typically factory seconds or items that did not sell well in-store.
Depends on what he said. Whats the website?