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A tanner is a someone who tans skins.

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Q: What is a person who tans skins called?
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What is the name of a craftsman who tans skins?


What jobs does a colonial tanner need to do theirs?

somebody who tans animal skins

Why are there girls who do extreme tans?

because the girls don't want dark skins

What is a Tanner in Robin Hood?

A tanner is one who tans animal skins and turns them into leather.

What occupation makes animal skin rugs?

A furrier is a person who dresses, designs, and cleans furs. A taxidermist is a person who prepares, stuffs, and mounts the skins of dead animals. A tanner is a person who tans the hides of dead animals, making leather.

What is a person who prepares hides called?

A person who prepares hides is also called a "tanner" otherwise known as a person who tans hides. That's all I know. :/ sorry it's not that great.

What is it called when the color scheme is browns and tans and such?

earth tones (?)

Why is the series Skins called Skins?

The title "skins" is generally assumed to refer to the drug use on the show. Skins are what is used to roll a joint.

When did TANS Perú end?

TANS Perú ended in 2006.

When was TANS Perú created?

TANS Perú was created in 1963.

What does tans do to you?

Tans darken your skin and give you vitamin e, if you are suggesting to the sun. But if you are talking about artificial tans, then they wrinkle your skin, when you grow older.

Who is the person that plays Jake in skins?

Angus Harrison