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Q: What is a person who hangs wallpaper called?
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What is a rope that hangs someone?

A rope that hangs a person is called a noose.

What is a person called that hangs other people on nooses?

A hangman.

What is the thing that hangs people?

The rope that hangs the person is tied into a noose, while the place that it happens is called the gallows.

Where would one find Marine Corps wallpaper for a computer background?

The best place to find Marine Corps wallpaper is online at the site called "Wallpaper Bit". Here a person can find any kind of wallpaper, including many colorful and beautiful designs of the Marine Corps.

What do you call a person who hangs people?

A person who hangs people is typically referred to as an executioner or a hangman.

How do you say wallpaper in French?

Wallpaper is called "papier peint" in French. For a computer wallpaper, you can also use "fond d'écran".

What do you call a straight guy who hangs out with lesbians?

A straight guy who hangs out with lesbians is called a lesbro.

What is the wallpaper called in bam margera's living room?

It looks like it's a purple flocked wallpaper.

What is a repeated pattern on wallpaper called?


What is it called when you go to the next page on your home screen and the wallpaper changes?

It is called a screensaver when you go to the next page on your home screen and the wallpaper changes.

Where is the piece of flesh that hangs down on turkeys goats and humans?

That piece of flesh is called a wattle. In turkeys and chickens, it hangs from the neck. In goats, it is called a wattle and hangs from the throat. In humans, it can be seen as a small fleshy lobe sometimes present in the earlobe.

Where can you buy the wallpaper in Stacey and lukes living room in eastenders?

The wallpaper design is called Daneloin Clocks by Sanderson