

Best Answer

Here are the passwords I use:

Math Arcade = ROCKS5

Funbrain Arcade = QUEEN8

See for yourself by clicking on a related link below.

Note: These passwords will only work for sixth grade. See related question for different grade levels, genders, and game pieces.

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Q: What is a password for the highest level on funbrain?
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In funbrain what is the highest password in arcade?

the answer to that question is: hide2

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What is the level 23 password for funbrain?

They always change.

What is the highest password to the funbrain arcade?

Queen5 wrong pirate8 goodluck!

What is the password for the seventh level on funbrain?

The answers always change but when i passed level the password that I got was GILL7.

What passwords can you use to skip the skateboard level at funbrain?

The Password is ranch

What is a password for funbrain using e?

in 12/27/2014 the math arcade on funbrain has a hard level which is level 13 i need to know the password.what is it?

What is the last funbrain password?

the last password on funbrain is Freckle7

What is the highest password on the math arcade on funbrain?

The code is COLA4. I am TheBoZZGamer and I'm 11!!

Last Passwords for funbrain arcade?

The highest password so far is pirate8. Also another one is "spoon7" that will get you all the way to the last level. Another one is QUEEN7.

What is a password to get by the planet pinball level on funbrain?

peace and the number of the grade level you pllaying at to get passed it peace8 example