segment, section, element, fragment, splinter, measure, fraction, quantum
Customary, as is generally accepted or done.
peice p e i c e
Because he is part of the Sayian race and its a tradition that you have to where something on your hands
A part of something is a piece.
no. a thsis is not part of an essay. a thesis is something to use for a story or something.
The word is "rear" commonly used for the back part of something.
introduction means the foreword or preface of something. it is the preliminary part of something or the part that lads up to the main part
A small piece or part of something is called a portion of whatever the thing is.
An appendage is a part of something which is joined to something longer, a natural projection from any part of an organism, such as an external body part which projects from the body.
North -Ukraine East- Republic of Moldova and Russia South- Bulgaria South-West - Yugoslavia West- Hungary
To participate means to take part in an event or activity or to play a part/role; whereas, a role is an individual part in a play, movie, opera, or other performance or the usual or expected function of somebody or something, or the part somebody or something plays in an action or eventSo, basically, a role is the part or function of somebody or something, and to participate is to take part in something. So, no, they are not the same.