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saucepans, tautology

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Q: What is a nine letter word with third letter u?
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Some seven letter words with the second letter A and the third letter U are:bauxitecausticcautiondauphinhaughtyhauntedhauteurlaundrymaudlinnaughtypaunchyraucousraunchysauntersausagevaulted

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A five letter word with the second letter U, third letter C, ending with S is MUCUS.

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What 7 letter word becomes long when the third letter is removed?

The word is lounger. When you remove the letter u from lounger, you get the word longer.

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Another word for finished third letter is R and fifth letter is U?

Perfected is a synonym for finished. The third letter is an r.

What seven letter word has the letter U third?

Aquatic, bluejay, clutter, elusion, flubber and journal are 7 letter words. The letter u is the 3rd letter.

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Mouse, mauve.