shave, stave, suave, slate...
away area, ants, afar......theres lots!
Fail Pail Pall Pals Pass
Some four letter words that can be made from the word 'quid' by changing one letter are:quadquitquiz
Head is turned into tail by:HEALTEALTELLTALLTAIL
Mast(like on a ship) can become mask
long lone line wine wide
shave, stave, suave, slate...
By changing either the first or last letter of the word "paid", you can create the following words (changing just the A or I to another letter can form no other common English words). Changing the P : LAID, MAID, RAID, SAID Changing the D : PAIL, PAIN, PAIR
what word can you make by changing one letter in the word winter
herd- change the n to an h
cages cag-es