a mystery part is like a secret slab. keep it in your treasure bag and certain mazes will have rare Pokemon e.g. zapdos.
Note: if you don't have this the Pokemon won't show up
It is part of the mystery gifts
it lets you find extra legendary Pokemon in dungons
at the end you fight raikou but you need secret slab/mystery part to recruit him and then there's six deluxe boxes at the end at the end you fight raikou but you need secret slab/mystery part to recruit him and then there's six deluxe boxes at the end ----- at floor 20 (30 floors) theres raikou need secret slab or mystery part (as said above). at floor 29 there is a key room containing a chest with the item for either regirock ice steel or regigigas (but sometimes theres a wonder gummi in it instead)
On the top left, in the net, is the outline of a house. on the right part of the house is the chimney.
Well there is no true mystery part in the name "Mystery Dungeon", but I guess you could say the mystery is what you will encounter in the dungeon.
maybe you can get the secret slab and mystery part in your treasure bag
The part of a mystery in which the solution is revealed is called the denoument.
You don't!!
First you need a mystery part or enigma part. Then go to mystery jungle at BF13. Celebi will be there.
In a ceritain mission it will say let's find the mystery part!In etier amp plains or the desert.
A mystery part is obtained through a wondermail mission. Here is a wondermail code for a mystery part which i got. S4YS 43PX N8H3 9W4+ @%Q- 7XM- You need quicksand cave for this.
lets you see darkrai in Pokemon mystery dungeon 2
The part of a mystery where the solution is revealed is called the denouement. It is the point in the story where all the loose ends are tied up and the mystery is explained to the audience or reader.
You must have a Secret Slab/Mystery Part. He is in Dark Crater, 10F.
you don't need the mystery part in the final maze to recruit JIRACHI,MOLTRES, & SUICUNE..VERONICA
Well what i thought was, you have to talk to man first then go to amp plains with the mystery part and zapdos should be on the 7th floor. (i read that on the internet)