A mongo push is wear you push with your front foot..
Regular - Push with left foot - Square on ps3
Goofy- Push with right foot - X or Square not sure :P
Hope I've helped, Tom
No it can't. Skate 2 can, but Skate 3 only contains online multiplayer.
No you cannot get Skate 3 for Playstation 2. Only compatible with Playstation 3 and Xbox 360
go to PlayStation store and search skate 2 and download the demo or buy and of course you need Internet
you cannot ice skate Actually i think you can but i do not think you can ice skate on ponds. hope this helps you!
no sorry
umm...you could try pushing mongo....it looks kinda stupid but it gets the job done.... or you could just learn how to push and skate switch
Some professional skateboarders who push mongo include Chris Cole, Daewon Song, and Kareem Campbell. However, pushing mongo is generally discouraged in skateboarding due to the lack of control and potential limitations it can create for certain tricks.
Mongo Brownlee is 6' 2".
Goofy is when you skate with your right foot in front of your left, you push off with your left foot. You can get Goofy mongo though which is when you skate with your right foot in front of your left, but instead of pushing with your left you push with your right. Hope I helped Matt
Sorry for spelling errors Ok mongo pushing is tough i skate it and i find it easy after practice. It might get in your way for doing tricks but if you try to skate Never Mongo youre going to be bad. The other thing is that some skaters might make fun of mongo skating. But who cares what those punks think. Well so it is OK to push mongo. If you like it stick with it. MONGO4LIFE
Mongo skating is when you push with the foot that is at the front of the board. A regular pusher pushes with the foot they have at the back of the baord. People sometimes get mongo and *goofy mixed up. It is said that pushing mongo is a bad habit, but I can't see why - other than it not being as stylish as regular pushing. its a bad habbit because it takes more time to set up your trick n00b. You also look retarded. *goofy is the stance in which you skate. Being goofy means you stand with your right leg at the front of the board and regular is when you have your left leg at the front.
"Cops push mongo" refers to a skateboarding term where the practice of pushing with your front foot instead of your back foot is considered less efficient and often frowned upon in skateboarding culture. It does not have a direct connection to law enforcement.
Skate it is for Nintendo systems. Skate 2 is for PS3 and Xbox 360
its the ds equivalent of skate (1)
you can't get skate or skate 2 on psp its on playstation and xbox though.
Of course it is opinion but a majority of people say Skate 1 is better. On Skate 1 you can get more board sponsors and the physics of skating are more realistic on Skate 1. However Skate 1 slightly lacks the quality of the graphics that Skate 2 has in store. Skate 1 is cheaper than Skate 2 as it was an earlier release. Skate 1 I would say is the better game but that is a matter of opinion.