That sounds like a user map like SkyBlock. Knowing the seed will only give you the original terrain that was generated before SkyBlock's creator made many changes to the land, to create the SkyBlock.
The farmland you plant the seeds in, needs to have a water block close by.
Roblox does not have a virus, and blockland is a download, minecraft is java-based, and atmosphir needs a plug-in. The best answer is still minecraft, because java is pre-installed on most computers. The latest version of minecraft is pay to play, and the browser version has lots of lag.
You use a Hoe on a dirt block to turn it into farmland. The farmland needs to be near a water source, it will turn darker to show the supply is adequate. Then you can plant seeds on it, as well as carrots, etc.
The muck covered chest in AQWorld is located with Kuro near the Green River. Twilly needs to make a deal with Kuro to get the muck covered chest.
Wheat can be obtained through farming. First you need to get seeds using a hoe on the grass, and then plant the seed on dirt. But remember that the dirt block needs to somehow be in contact with water. Wheat can also be found inside a dungeon's chests.
The farmland you plant the seeds in, needs to have a water block close by.
Roblox does not have a virus, and blockland is a download, minecraft is java-based, and atmosphir needs a plug-in. The best answer is still minecraft, because java is pre-installed on most computers. The latest version of minecraft is pay to play, and the browser version has lots of lag.
You simply hold left click while aiming at the block you want to destroy. Once the block breaks a smaller version of that block will appear on the ground below you. That smaller version is called an entity. If you didn't receive an entity you might have broken a block that needs a certain tool. (Stone, Iron, and Diamond pickaxes)
You use a Hoe on a dirt block to turn it into farmland. The farmland needs to be near a water source, it will turn darker to show the supply is adequate. Then you can plant seeds on it, as well as carrots, etc.
You need an account, yes. When you start the minecraft program, it needs to log you in to your account.
An "out-dated-client" means someone needs to update their Minecraft app to the latest update.
No one at Apple needs to be called to get Minecraft for Mac; one simply needs to make sure that their version of Java is compatible with both Minecraft and their Mac OS. Generally one will need to download the 64 bit version of.
The muck covered chest in AQWorld is located with Kuro near the Green River. Twilly needs to make a deal with Kuro to get the muck covered chest.
You have to be in the Hell biome and the ghast needs a 5x5x5
Wheat can be obtained through farming. First you need to get seeds using a hoe on the grass, and then plant the seed on dirt. But remember that the dirt block needs to somehow be in contact with water. Wheat can also be found inside a dungeon's chests.
I don't know. It just depends on your personal preference or opinion. By the way, what does Minecraft have to do with Satan? Sorry, but this needs a better picture.
No one needs to go anywhere to work out: climb stairs for 15 minutes, walk (do not ride) around the block, swim, Gyms are a rip-off.