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relinquish relinquere

abdicate abdicāre

desert dēserere

renounce renūntiāre

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Q: What is a list of Anglo-Saxon words with latin equivalents?
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What has the author Edward W Burke written?

Edward W. Burke has written: 'A hand-list of Latin place names with their modern equivalents' -- subject(s): Geographical Names, Latin Names

What is the Latin word for liberty?

List of Latin words with English derivatives - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What is the Latin translation for the word twilight?

Twilight is crespuculum in latin. =)Here is a link for a list of latin words and their meanings.

List of Latin words in English?

Approximately 60% of our words are derived from Latin (mainly through Old French), so an enumeration would be too tedious.

What roman words do you still use today?

The Romans spoke Latin There are so many word in English which originate from Latin that the list would be pages and pages long. Latin words entered the English language in two ways: When Latin was the language the church and a language spoken by the educated elites many Latin words became part of English. With the Normans, who invaded England from France, French became the language of the court and many french words, which have a Latin origin, entered the English language. If you consult a dictionary you will find the origin of words, including the ones from Latin and the ones from French which have a Latin origin. Many technical words in medicine, science, law and theology are Latin.

What is a French or Spanish word that comes from Latin?

Most words in these languages have Latin roots; that is why they both are called 'Roman languages'. But 'père' and 'padre'(father) come from the Latin 'pater' and 'mère' and 'madre' (mother) from the Latin 'mater'. 'Cohabiter' and 'cohabitan' (living together) comes from the Latin '' cohabitare'. And the list goes on.

What is the Latin word for 'ideas'?

There are many Latin words meaning idea. Here is a list; information, visio, comprehensio, notio, sensa, sensus, imago, cogitatum, and men's. Each word has their own way of being placed in a sentence.

What is latin list ender?


What is ancient roman thing that starts with a?

The first word that comes to mind is the word "atrium", which today is a room in a lobby. There are far too many Latin words beginning with the letter "a" to list. Go to your local library and look at a Latin dictionary, you'll find hundreds of words beginning with the letter "a".

What Latin words come from Latin but you use it in England?

Way too many to list here. For example most compounds beginning with inter- (e.g. international). co- (e.g. cooperate), pre- (e.g. preoccupy), per-, pro-, etc.

What list words do you think may have come from the Latin word commodus meaning convenient and vibrate meaning shake?

maybe commodes was one of them but was unknown to English territory

List of events from Latin for papyrus strip?
