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there is no light stone.

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Q: What is a light stone in Pokemon FireRed?
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no you can only get a dusk stone on Pokemon diamond and pearlYou can't.

What Pokemon need the water stone in Pokemon FireRed?

eevee and staryu

How do you find a dusk stone in Pokemon FireRed?

first of all you dont get a dusk stone in firered secondly you must mean the moon stone

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in celadon market

How can you get dusk stone in Pokemon FireRed?

Why don't you get a job.

Can you get the magma stone pearl on Pokemon FireRed?

get heatran

How do you get shine stone in Pokemon FireRed?

you don't its only in ds Pokemon games

What stone does apikachu need to evolve in Pokemon FireRed?

A thunderstone

What Pokemon use the tunder stone in FireRed?

Evee, Pikachu.