Eriophorum angustifolium is the scientific name for common cotton grass which is actually a sedge.
The longest word starting with E is Electroencephalographically.
A seven letter word starting with E could be epitome.
Grass or Lightning
Kind words that start with E are:empathyemoteembraceeaseenvelope (the verb)each
Some complimenting words starting with E:ElegantEloquentExquisite
it is probably electroocupied
nomal grass
There is no specific kind of grass that goats eat, so yes, sheep can eat any kind of grass a goat eats.
Bermuta Grass
Rye grass
The green kind.
They can eat any kind of grass as long as it isn't a weed. They can have clovers too!
an australian grass is called a savanah
it does not eat grass only meat