A jailbroken ps3 is a ps3 that has been hacked to have the ability to download free games, music, movies, etc. Though I do not recommend doing this, as it will ruin your ps3 and void the warranty provided by Sony.
well you get a usb stick make a folder on it called ps3 all in caps then in that folder make another called update all in caps go to the Internet and download the one you want put it in the folder update unplug your usb plug it in your ps3 go to system update go to from media accept the terms and conditions install it after 4 beeps your ps3 will restart now you have a jailbroken ps3 :D
It hacks on to the ps3 and it never lets you play online because if you play online you will be court by Sony and you may be arrested. Jail breaking a ps3 will also let you get free games on the ps3 but remeber not to EVER go online or i think you might not be aloud to play online either. All PS3s are currently jailbreakable, but when Sony throws the casual update, you're screwed. Also if you go online when jailbroken, Sony will simple ban you permanently from PSN or brick up your PS system. It also allows third-party applications to be downloaded and played.
Yes if you have it jailbroken iPod or iPhone
Yes but your iphone has to be jailbroken and have Cydia.
a PS3 can Play PS3 Games
you have to do it yourself
Yes, but it will no longer be jailbroken.
You need a jailbroken PS3 and a modded patch_mp.ff.
ok so just try debug mode in sth ps3 and your done
For Xbox, you need a JTAG, for PS3, you need a Jailbroken PS3.
It shouldn't be any different, I wouldn't think.
Sony claims updates are permanent and not reversible
You ll get for not jailbroken . Factory unlock will sell for more.
after it has been jailbroken you can`t fully unjailbreak it unless you bring it to sony they will fix it for a price as jailbreaking voids the warranty.
ask DIRTY DRAGON i think his name is or ask me to ask him GT ZOMBIESrEMO
well you get a usb stick make a folder on it called ps3 all in caps then in that folder make another called update all in caps go to the Internet and download the one you want put it in the folder update unplug your usb plug it in your ps3 go to system update go to from media accept the terms and conditions install it after 4 beeps your ps3 will restart now you have a jailbroken ps3 :D
The answer is... you cant. only a ps3 firmware 3.55 or below can be jailbroken all the videos or websites claiming they have a 4.x jailbreak are fake. Your best bet is buying a cheap ps3 off eBay, jailbreaking it,then data transfer what ever you did to your 4.11