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Q: What is a growth on the skin change one letter from hole?
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Why is there a hole in Pete Goffe-Wood's head?

Apparently he had a skin cancer growth removed and the hole is the scar.

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What is the special growth of the skin?

The special growth of the skin are the

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The special growth of the skin are the

What is the definition in golf of a skin?

Basically 1 skin= 1 hole. If you win a hole, you win the skin. Commonly monetary values are placed on a skin, with more money on harder holes. If a hole is tied the skins are carried over, and the next person to win a hole wins the carried over value.

What is a 3 letter word for a scalp cyst?

The word is wen or sac. They mean a boil or other swelling or growth on the skin.

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What is skins in golf?

Skins is a style of play/competition. Normally you will place a certain amount of money to bet per hole. Ex) lets say you bet $5 per hole. if you win a hole (have the lowest score on that hole) you get "that skin" and when the round is over you get $5 (or whatever amount you set) per "skin".

What does piercing do to your skin?

Puts a hole in it.

What are the earliest symptoms of skin cancer?

Some early symptoms of skin cancer include an unusual growth, change of color, texture, or size of a mole. Other symptoms include an infected area of skin that won't heal.

What are the symptoms of kwashiorkor?

Lethargy, growth retardation, anemia, edema, potbelly, skin depigmentation, and hair loss or change in hair color.

What is a growth on the skin?

A wart