

Best Answer

Carrot, Pumpkin, Sunshine, Goldfish, Munches, Goofball, Zany, Daisy.

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Q: What is a good name for a orange puffle on clubpenguin?
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What is a good name for a white puffle on clubpenguin?

winter or snow or snowflake

What does the orange puffle on clubpenguin do?

Its just like a normal puffle u no! Above was the original answer but the orange puffle has rocket and a cart and can use it and it also hula hoops when your dancing with it. My name on Club Penguin is SuperJosh635 Rock on, Club Penguin

What should you call your blue puffle on clubpenguin?

name him anything

Is there an orange puffle on clubpenguin?

no Above was the original answer because there wasn't but now there is.It can only be bought by members. My name on Club Penguin is SuperJosh635. Rock on, Club Penguin

What can the orange elite puffle's name be?

Its name will be Carrot.

Is Orange a good name for an orange Puffle?

no, because it isn't creative and the most important thing on club penguin is being creative and thinking out of the box. I have a two rainbow puffles and they are named neon and the different kinds of colors.

What is a good name for a orange puffle on club penguin?

Some good names for orange puffles are: Orange (the fruit) Basket Ball Zoey Ziggy Sir. Laughs-a-lot Mr. Lazzy Quinlyn

What is a good name for a orange puffle?

Well I don't know if you like this name but I named mine Buster and my freind named her's Clownis

Is bounce a good name for a puffle?

Yes i think bounce is a very good name for a puffle

What name is a better orange puffle name-carrot or pumpkin?

the answer is witch one YOU think is better.

What is a good boy name for a white puffle?

Snow boy is a good name!

How do you get pizza for a puffle on clubpenguin?

you can't!the puffles always eat puffle food and drinks water.oh and if you want to meat me on club penguin,i go on berg from monday to friday.And i go at three to three penguins name is bootpacker