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Well, if you find making money easy, i'd give it moves that counter the Pokemon it is weak against first (eg. water, so you teach it a electric move) And you know where to buy TM's? at the massive store in celadon city or the gambling place.

Then just teach it moves you think aren't used enough in your party eg you don't have a poison type in your party so teach it a poison move.

There's not really any good of a moltres with fire blast, flamethrower, blast burn and overheat is there?

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Q: What is a good move to teach moltres in FireRed?
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Where do you get moltres at on Pokemon FireRed?

You get Moltres After you get the seventh badge. You have to have the tri-pass. In 1 island you go to the top of mount ember. Caution: You need the move Strength and Moltres will be in lvl 50. He will know flame thrower.

How do you get the TM hydrocannon?

Actually it's not a TM. You have to get a move tutor in FireRed or LeafGreen to teach it to a Pokemon.

Moltres Pokemon FireRed?

Moltres can be found north-east of Seven Island at the very top of Mount. Ember. First, sail to Mount ember using HM Surf. Then use Surf to go farther North, and then don't go inside Mount ember (there is one part you have to, though, I think.) climb to the VERY top. Then you will move some bolders using HM Strength and you will see Moltres!! Good luck!!

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Meytwo, articuno, zapdos or moltres and heres why. meytwo take alot of hard work to get that guy to move unless you use cheats. use MASTERBALL WISELEY

Where is move tutor in Pokemon FireRed?

There are move tutors everywhere there is one in particular that will teach moves that your Pokemon tried to learn but didn't that tutor can be found on two island.

What does a Heart Scale do in Pokemon FireRed other than be sold at a high price?

Take it to a move tutuor, and he will teach you a move in trade for a heart scale. Unfortunately, Heart Scales do not work with the Move Tutor of Pokemon LeafGreen and FireRed. That particular Move Tutor only wants big or small mushrooms. So the Heart Scales have no other purpose in FireRed like they do in Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond or Pearl.

What should i teachy moltres in Pokemon FireRed?

In my opinion, You should Learn the following moves, I have them on my level 81 moltres, they work like a wonder against many kinds of pokemon. Sunny Day ( A good fire move amplifier to start off) Flamethrower ( A good PP friendly move, just in case you get your opponent low with overheat and dont want to waste one of the 5 PP that has) Overheat ( Or Fireblast, which is Obtainable after Defeating Blaine In Cinnibar) Fly ( For pesky fighting types, and for the HM in general, does decent damage IMO) Hope This Helps

How do you catch blast burn in Pokemon firered?

You cannot catch Blast Burn in Pokémon FireRed since it is a move. However you can teach Blast Burn to Charizard by visiting an NPC at Cape Brink on Boon Island.

How do you relearn moves in Pokemon FireRed?

If you still have the TM/HM, teach it to the Pokemon again. If not, go to the move deleter-- there should be a move tutor there too. I learned through HG/SS though. |D

Where is the move rater in pokemon firered version?

Move tutor you mean well on two island the house next to the game corner is the move tutor's house in there you need to trade two tiny mushrooms or a big mushroom to have him teach your Pokemon moves.

How do you learn dive in Pokemon FireRed?

Since dive is not a HM in firered you will have to trade a Pokemon to a friend that has ruby, sapphire or emerald then using that game use the HM Dive to teach the move Dive to that Pokemon trade it back so firered can have that Pokemon again it will still have Dive however you cannot use it to dive underwater.

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Granbull best move is take down, myne's can learn giga impact I'm not sure if u can teach that to ure Pokemon dig maybe u want to teach it rock smash and if u really like this move well teach it mega punch or kick