It depends what its moves are. If it has more water type moves, give it something like mystic water and so on. If u want u can give it hp restoring items like leftovers and shell bell if it has a low hp and defense compared to other same leveled pokemon. If it has variety of moves such as brick break, hydro pump, earthquake, and blizzard then I recommend the expert belt. Hope it helped!
Many players say that 'leftovers' is the best hold item in Pokemon FireRed. Other good hold items are macho brace, magnet, dragon fang, and focus band.
swampert ex is super rare
for swampert the best moves surf mudshot water pulse and headbutt i think that mudshot isn't such a good move considering that swampert isn't good in special attack and mudshot is a weak special attack. so teach it like a focus punch or something like that. and replace water pulse with hydro pump or blizzard.
Swampert is a Water and Ground type pokemon.
Yes Target can hold items for you unless it is on clearance, a hot item, an item on sale, an item with gift card promotion for 24 hours.
well not all swamperts... im a swampert and im evil, so there
it is a hold iteam
Swampert, Hariyama, and Ludicolo.
Kyogre, swampert, gyagados, wailord.
Swampert, Altaria, Breloom, Flygon, Swellow, and Manectric.
sceptile or a blaizeiken or a swampert
How i do to hold item in Pokemon red rescue team
Only if they are above level 60 ---- Swampert is excellent at the Battle Frontier. Depending on which game you are playing on, the other two team members can vary. I'm using a Swampert, Skarmory and Latios - This team can defeat all the Brains in Platinum.
Swampert does not evolve. Marshtomp evolves into Swampert at lv.36
Definitely Swampert. It only has one weakness, ice which can be beaten with a super-effective hammer arm and Blastoise has only one type and not nearly as diverse a move set. Plus, Swampert is so dang cool and good at battle frontier and gyms.