A good hacked moveset would probably be -
Psychic, Thunder, Flamethrower, Solarbeam.
I'd also recommend putting this on a Psychic type like Alakazam cause they focus on Special Attack. Psychic shouldn't be hacked into Alakazam because it can already learn it.
depends on his stats, Horn Drill is always a good move. moveset: protect, sword dance, baton pass, substitute, any attack
Yes, it can learn any move, but it has a limited moveset by leveling up. It can learn a new move every 10 levels, but it can learn any TM or HM available. It can also learn all the tutor attacks. This is a great Pokemon to have to build an ultimate moveset.
I have a metagross and I've hardly lost any battles with it, heres my moveset: Psychic Iron Defense - (Just in case the opponent uses psychical attacks) Meteor Mash - Earthquake - (For those annoying fire type pokemon)
You will be able to catch ANY Pokemon you have migrated from GBA, legendaries you name it! ...unless they were hacked I suppose.
AnswerIn Pokemon Platinum, Fire Fang is a base move of Steelix's. This means that if Steelix does not have Fire Fang in its moveset upon capture, you can take it to the Move Tutor in Pastoria City (on any level) and teach it to Steelix again.
It's slow, but has a wide movepool of moves that it can learn, particularly when it evolves into Octillery, so if you want to use it, it's a good idea to do so. Any Pokemon is a good Pokemon as long as you train them well and give them a good moveset.
Mewthree isn't a real Pokemon in any games. It is a Pokemon in a hacked game.
It should let you use them on Coliseum Mode. Mine don't work on WiFi because they are hacked. Some Pokemon will show up as a bad egg if its a hacked Deoxys or something like that. The only way to use a hacked Pokemon in Pokemon Battle Revolution Wi-Fi, you need to make the hacked Pokemon look legit. Some things that you should check are:Was the Pokemon caught at a place it can be found normally?Was it caught in a Pokeball it can be caught in?Are any of the Pokemon's IVs above 31?Are any of the Pokemon's EVs above 255?Is the sum of the Pokemon's EVs above 510?Does the Pokemon have an ability it cannot have normally?Does the Pokemon know any moves it cannot learn normally?
Your best bet would probably be torchic or any of it's evolutions. But if you decided to go with another starter I would probably go with vulpix and evolve in to ninetales it when you have a moveset you like.
Mewthree is simply a hacked Pokemon that does not exist in any Pokemon game. There is no Pokemon named Mewthree. Not officially; it's a hacked Pokemon.
It's impossible. There is no such thing as a Mewthree in any non-hacked Pokemon games.
depends on his stats, Horn Drill is always a good move. moveset: protect, sword dance, baton pass, substitute, any attack
It is not possible to get fake Pokemon on Pokemon Emerald. The only way to get fake Pokemon in any Pokemon game is to play a hacked version.
How? Simple. Look up Pokemon Tower Defense Hacked. It is basically a pre-hacked version of Pokemon Tower defense. You can earn tons of money, you can capture any Pokemon with a hit, and level up really fast, and to top it off, stones only cost 1000!
I don't believe that Mario is in any Pokemon games.people have just hacked not even a actoin replay can do that
Yes, it can learn any move, but it has a limited moveset by leveling up. It can learn a new move every 10 levels, but it can learn any TM or HM available. It can also learn all the tutor attacks. This is a great Pokemon to have to build an ultimate moveset.
Yes, that's a good moveset and you should keep Leavanny in your team.