

Best Answer

Treecko (it's a starter), Lotad (evolves into Lombre then Ludicolo), Shroomish (elvolves into the pwnsm Breeloom!), etc.

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Q: What is a good grass Pokemon on sapphire?
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What Pokemon evolves with the grass stone in Pokemon sapphire?

Nuzleaf into Shiftry

Where to get Zizagoon in Pokemon sapphire?

Almost everywhere in the grass, especially the long grass.

What is the best starting Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire version?

Get the grass type treeko, because the first gym is rock and grass is good against rock, and after that its just based on how good your Pokemon is. Water isn't good because of grass, which appears a lot Fire isn't good because there are a lot of attacks with water

How do you get ralcanth in Pokemon Sapphire?

use dive go in the deep sea grass he will be in the grass

What grass Pokemon are in sapphire?

Treecko, Tropius, Seedot, Oddish.

How do you get pikatchu in Pokemon Sapphire?

Saffari zone (1st thing of grass)

What is the next gym after the fire in Pokemon Sapphire?

the grass type gym

What is treeko?

Treeko is a grass starter Pokemon in Pokemon versios. Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. GBA

Is there glitches for Pokemon Sapphire?

Yes. There are alot of gliches in pokemon Sapphire good ones to.

What is a good electric Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire?

A good elecric Pokemon is Sapphire is Manectric. A good combo is Plusle and Minun. Actually, the best is your personal favorite.

Where do you find the good rod in Pokemon sapphire?

You can use the Good Rod in Pokemon Sapphire to catch Pokemon. To get it, talk to a fisherman on Route 118.

What is super effective on Pokemon sapphire?

Rock,and Water dont like grass