a good game to play at sleepovers is something you and your fiend both enjoy doing.
if you are girly girls you could do something like glad makeovers, it can't be loads of fun.
One game to play at a sleepover is movie trivia. You can also play the who am I game.
yes its fun when you play
If your hopless GIVE UP. you just annoy people that are actually good at the game so go away and play another game !
The warriors adventure game is a reading game that you download, not an online one. awwwwwwwwwwwww that is sad it sounded good to play
League of Legends very good game http://www.anno1777.com/index.php?i=64684
Have sleepovers,play makeover,and play games
M*A*S*H, lemons, and a game where u write peoples names on pieces of paper and then pull them out of a hat and imitate that person so the other person or people can guess who it is
Depends on the ages. Avatar and Alice In Wonderland are the best. Avatar The Last Airbender (LOve it.!!) I heard Easy A and Tangle are good.
shopping, sleepovers, making out, etc.
A good game to play on Friday is if you have pets, play with your pets
if you want to pick a film for a sleepover,take a vote between you and your friends. a romance comedy (rom com) is a good one for sleepovers. Enjoy your night. xx
sleepovers is every good thing for children. children get more sociable and learn to be independent. so always let your children have a sleepover. It is fun for them. So yes
play on a game boy
romance films are always the best
truth or dare, sleepovers, fashion show, singing/dancing competition!! :)
some sleepovers are i am going to one today
People can have sleepovers regardless of their sexuality.