Deoxys, nah Gengar or Dusclops, i'd say. Gengar the best, but u gotta trade for it, and you cant get it in all games. Dusclocs takes 2 pp instead of 1 for each and every attack made against it, also it can learn various moves.
dark Pokemon are
You can use a good dark type pokemon like umbreon,hoondoom etc. I hope this help!! :-)
Fighting and depending on it's second type can be whatever
The fighting type is weak against Ghost and Dark Pokemon, so a Sableye would be good.
Dark-type pokemon are resistant to Dark and Ghost moves, and are unaffected by Psychic.
dark Pokemon are
A dark type Pokemon or a powerful dark type move is good. Ghost types work particularly well too
any Pokemon that is a dark type any Pokemon that is a dark type
You can use a good dark type pokemon like umbreon,hoondoom etc. I hope this help!! :-)
Skuntank is a Poison and Dark type pokemon.
Psychic-type Pokemon are weak to Dark-type attacks, such as Faint Attack or Shadow Sneak.
dark type moves are a good choice against psychic
Fighting and depending on it's second type can be whatever
Dark type pokemon didn't appear until Johto
The fighting type is weak against Ghost and Dark Pokemon, so a Sableye would be good.
Yes. Sableye is a dark and ghost type pokemon.
Ghost-type Pokemon are weak against Ghost and Dark-type moves.