I would just say the old millsberry game that was out a long time ago! But its not out any more trust me i tried looking for it! Its only in millsberry!!
The main game screen is currently not uploaded. However, you can still play the game. Use the related link to try out the game:
you play any game by playing! when you play it is fun! i like to play!
Club Peguin. Millsberry SUCKS ! I believe club penguin does tooo . ;DD but its better than millsberry .
Well, theres pogo.co.uk to play puzzle games and stuff like that.And theres club penguin and moshi monsters those are quite cool.And millsberry is the best!
I would just say the old millsberry game that was out a long time ago! But its not out any more trust me i tried looking for it! Its only in millsberry!!
yard sales or play the game!
i think millsberry is really fun
Neopets and Club Penguin are similar sites like Millsberry. Runescape, Habbo, Toontown are also great sites where you can play games like on Millsberry.
Millsberry closed down...You cant play any of the games anymore, I tried to look for the cow game, but nothing... I played that game everyday, and forgot about it for 3 years, and found out it closed down. due to lack of people playing... :(
First you put the game size on small and then you play and the cars will go much faster so you can beat it faster. I have an account it is scwarriors
The main game screen is currently not uploaded. However, you can still play the game. Use the related link to try out the game:
millsberry is a great game if you have nothing to do
Well you can't actually buy Sylvie the sofa on millsberry you got to go to the arcade and go to reward and then play the game Wave Blaster then you can get Sylvie the sofa
play games. like on www.neopets.com
click on them and them choose play
General Mills