Turn in into sound of a bell
Those letters will spell AUTOMATED. You can also make these four letter words:atomautodamedatadatedemodomedoteduetmadematemeadmeatmoatmodemotemutttametautteamteattoadtoedtometout
That is a trick question. You can't make a four letter word using all five vowels.
Four letter words that can be made from the letters 'monastery' are:amenantearmyatomearneasteasymanemanymareMarsmartmastmatemeanmeatmesamoanmoatmoremostmotenamenearneatnestnosenosynoteomenrantratereamrentrestroamroanroserosyrotesamesanesateseamsearseatsentsnotsoarsomesoresortstarstaystemtametaretarntaroteamteartermterntometonetoretorntramtraytreytroytsaryarnyearyore
There are four possible five-letter words:cremecurvecuveerevue
No you cannot sell anything that has been lent. If you want to make money out of lending items rent them to people
Add the letter O to make four.
You can lend anything that cannot be eaten, used to make something (Such as nails)
Four letter words that can be made from the letters in 'syringe' are:greygringyrereinringrisesignsinesingsire
A promise you make during lent such as rape less people or stop sucking dicks for crack.
make sure that the person could make the payments~
ten net cent bent lent ail ale tail tale teal bail nail cite bite bile lie tie ice lice lien tibia client incline