a four letter word beginning with X is xebec (a small historical three masted sailing ship with square sails.
A four letter word meaning the foundation of something is base.
Rend is a four letter word that means to tear into pieces. Tear is also a four letter word meaning to pull apart.
A seven letter word that means a large sailing ship used by Spaniards would be a galleon.
The four letter word that means, "I forbid," is veto.veto
West. :)
The four letter word is dawn.
a four letter word beginning with X is xebec (a small historical three masted sailing ship with square sails.
A four letter word meaning the foundation of something is base.
Rend is a four letter word that means to tear into pieces. Tear is also a four letter word meaning to pull apart.
The word is scam.
Tack. The verb is to "tack." When you sail a sail boat - or a "sailing boat" in British English parlance - towards or "into" the wind, that action is called "tacking".