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bind, seam, knit

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Q: What is a four letter word meaning sew?
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What is a homonym for the word sew?

A homonym for "sew" is "so," which sounds the same but has a different meaning.

What is a 3 letter word you use to stitch with a needle and thread?


Which 10 letter word starts with S and end with w?

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How many consonants in sew?

"There are 2 consonants in sew, as 's' and 'w' are consonants and 'e' is a vowel. 'A' 'E' 'I' 'O' and 'U' are vowels, and every other letter in the English language is a consonant." Actually, the word "sew" has only one consonant: s. When the letter "w" ends a word after following a vowel (or in other places where it forms a "diphthong"), the "w" is technically a vowel.

What is pluarl for sew?

The word "sew" is a verb, not a noun. There is no plural for sew.

How do you spell weave?

That is the correct spelling of "weave" (to make or sew cloth).The sound-alike word is the contraction "we've" meaning we have.

What are the three homophones for the word sew?

The three homophones for "sew" are "so," "sow," and "sew."

What is a homophones for plant and use a needle and thread?

Sow is a word meaning to plant something. Its homophone is sew, or to use a needle and thread.

What is the homophone for plant something?

Sow is a word meaning to plant something. Its homophone is sew, or to use a needle and thread.

What is the homonym for so?

The homonym for "so" is "sew". "So" is an adverb meaning in the manner or way described, while "sew" is a verb meaning to join or attach something by stiching with a needle and thread.