That would be a dam, and it's rather specific.It doesn't refer to just a female horse but a horse mother. The male equivalent (a horse father) is a sire.
dab, dad, dam, dap, daw, day, deb, def, den, dew, did, die, dig, dim, din, dip, dis, doc, doe, dog, doh, don, dot, dud, due, dug, duh, dun, duo, dye
Man. Mark. Land. Ark. Dark. And. Dan. A. An. Dam. Lad. Ad. Ram. Lam. so 14 in the word ?LANDMARK?
Age, aged, head, gem, hem, ham, dam....
That would be dam.
Berm . It's an earthen dam, like a low levee.
Ferrum - Latin word for iron. ErrΕ - Latin word for mistake or wander. Murrum - Latin word for wall or dam.
Akhori Dam Donhngi Dam Ghazi Barotha Dam Gomal Dam Gomal Zam Dam Hub Dam Kalabagh Dam Karoonjhar Dam Khanpur Dam Mangla Dam Mirani Dam Shakidor Dam Simly Dam Tarbela Dam
on which river tehari dam
The word "Jordan" means "the river that rushes down." And between Mount Hermon and the sea of Galilee that's exactly what it does! The Jordan River in Israel has no dam as there is not enough water that flows through it to turn enough turbines to make the enterprise worth doing. There is a dam on the Jordan River in British Columbia, Canada (which is an entirely different river). That dam is called the Jordan River Diversion Dam.
The name Amsterdam comes from the word Amstelredamme which was the original name of the city. It means a dam on the river Amstel.
The river that feeds into Hoover Dam is the Colorado river.
It controls the river flow below the dam.
Nile River and Delta. From north to south the delta is approximately 160 km in length. From west to east it covers some 240 km of coastline.
Narmada River is where the Indira Sagar dam is located. This dam was made by Indira Gandhi.