Four-letter words that have "A" as their second letter and "N" as their third letter: band, bans, land, pans, pant, rant, sand, sans, tans, wand, want.
Hammadas are desert land forms, they are areas of flat, raised land also known as plateaus.
It is a word that contains two letter tiles worth 10 points each + a combination of one letter tile worth 3 points + four letter tiles worth 1 point apiece mostly vowels. And, one of the letter tiles with the highest points land on a double letter score and the word on a triple word score on the board.
acre area
Plateau - a raised area of flat land with steep slopes on one or more sides.
A flat raised area of land caused by uplift is a plateau. Hope this helped :)
A plateau
a plain
a plateau
A raised strip of land is called a ridge. It is a long, narrow elevation of land that is higher than the surrounding area.
It's a plateau