end up (if a two word answer is acceptable)
Some five letter words that start with P and end with Y are:paddypalsypansypantypappyparryPartypastypatsypattypennypeppyperkypeskypettyphonypickypiggypithypoesypokeypoppyporkyportlypottypoutyprivyproxypudgypuffypulpypushyputtypygmy
Five letter words that start and end with R:radarrazorrecurreferricerriderrigorriverrotorroverrulerrumor
A five letter word that starts with an "i" and ends with an "e" is: Note: This is a variant of endue.
Five letter words that end in K are:blackblockbreakbrookchalkcheckchinkchuckchunkclickclockcluckclunkcrankcreekcroakcrookdrankdrinkdrunkflackflankflaskfleckflickflockflunkfrankfreakfriskfrockGreekkayakkioskknackknockquackquarkquickquirkshackshanksharksheikshirkshockshookshuckskulkskunkslacksleekslickslunksmacksmirksmocksnacksneakspanksparkspeakspeckspookspunkstackstalkstunkstarksteakstickstinkstockstorkstuckswank
end up (if a two word answer is acceptable)
Some five letter words that start with P and end with Y are:paddypalsypansypantypappyparryPartypastypatsypattypennypeppyperkypeskypettyphonypickypiggypithypoesypokeypoppyporkyportlypottypoutyprivyproxypudgypuffypulpypushyputtypygmy
Five letter words that start and end with R:radarrazorrecurreferricerriderrigorriverrotorroverrulerrumor
There are no four-letter words in the English language that end in "zit".However there is a seven letter word, tzitzit. There is also a five letter word, zizit, and a three letter word, zit.
your can
Yes. The word DAY starts with the letter d and the word END starts with the letter e!HA HA!
Gratuitous gregarious
A five letter word that starts with an "i" and ends with an "e" is: Note: This is a variant of endue.