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Q: What is a five letter word that means a bet?
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What is a 3 letter word that means wager or guess?

Probably is bet.

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What is a 3 letter word that also means wager or guess that something will happen?


What word begins with the word bet in Hebrew?

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What is a 4 letter word beginning with you?

If you mean the letter "u", I would say Utah is a good bet. But if you mean the word "you" then your is the only one I can think of.

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What does the Hebrew word bait mean?

bait is not a Hebrew word. If you mean bayit (prounced BAH-yeet), it means "house" If you mean bet, it means "house of"

What is the Hebrew word for the school?

It's "Bet sefer" (בית ספר).And by the way, literally this means "The house of the book" (Bet = House, Sefer = Book).The Hebrew word for "school" is beit-sefer