aboon, afoot, aloof, bhoot, blood, bloom, bloop, brood, brook, broom, broos, cloot, crook, croon, drool, droop, ebook, flood, floor, gloom, groom, kloof, kroon, proof, scoop, scoot, shook, shool, shoon, shoos, shoot, sloop, snood, snook, snool, snoop, snoot, spoof, spook, spool, spoon, spoor, stood, stook, stool, stoop, swoon, swoop, troop, trooz, vroom, whoof, whoop
53 words found.
her name is SONI. Write all the digits before the decimal in words,now check the letter position which is after the decimal,for Eg: 6.1, SIX the letter at position one is S2.3 TWO letter at 3rd position is O,1.2 ONE letter at 2nd position is N and finally 5.2 FIVE letter at 2nd position is I.SONI is her name.
Beetle is a 6 letter word that has 'e' as the third letter.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern I-A-I. That is, five letter words with 1st letter I and 3rd letter A and 5th letter I. In alphabetical order, they are: imari
SONI. Write all the digits before the decimal in words,now check the letter position which is after the decimal,for Eg: 6.1, SIX the letter at position one is S2.3 TWO letter at 3rd position is O,1.2 ONE letter at 2nd position is N and finally 5.2 FIVE letter at 2nd position is I.SONI is the word.
boost, roost, moose, tooth, booth, loose
Would Holmes as in Sherlock Holmes fit the bill?
her name is SONI. Write all the digits before the decimal in words,now check the letter position which is after the decimal,for Eg: 6.1, SIX the letter at position one is S2.3 TWO letter at 3rd position is O,1.2 ONE letter at 2nd position is N and finally 5.2 FIVE letter at 2nd position is I.SONI is her name.
There's probably a lot of words that qualify but usually people are looking for the word "empty," which becomes "m-t" when you remove the 1st, 3rd and 5th letters.
Beetle is a 6 letter word that has 'e' as the third letter.