Glum, blue, down
Scared? Shy? Sad?
These are all I know. . . Dainty Dimity Drafty
Leukemia is something sad that starts with "l".
Is there a word that is the opposite of funnier?
The opposite of the word 'sad' is happy!
The opposite of sad and not happy is glad, meaning the same thing, but a different word.
Robbery is a sad word. It begins with the letter R.
Antonym means the opposite of what the word means. For example the word sad. The antonym for sad would be happy. Synonym is the opposite of Antonym. Synonym means the same meaning of the word. For example the word admit. The synonym would be confess.
Happy = Contento/feliz Sad = Triste
Depending on how you are using the word, its antonyms are serious, sad, grave, obvious, or conventional.