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Q: What is a five letter word for ear bone?
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What ia a five letter word for external ear parts?


There is a five letter word that if you take off the first letter and the last letter the word would have the same meaning?

hears, ear

What is a nine letter word relating to the ear?

Auricular means related to the external ear. audiology

Five letter word which stays in water if we remover last letter then it is a fruit if we remove first letter then it is in our door stepd if we remove first and last letter then it is in you?

Pearl pear earl ear

What is a 10-letter word relating to the ear?

One ten-letter word relating to the ear is "otologist," which is a medical specialist who deals with the diagnosis and treatment of ear disorders.

What is the ear bone that starts with the letter A?

The common name is the anvil, but it is more properly called the incus. It is the middle of the three ear bones.

Five letter word which stays in water if you remover last letter then it is a fruit if you remove first letter then it is in your door step if you remove first and last letter then it is in us what yo?

Pearl pear earl ear

Five letter words ending in ear?

blear, clear, drear

How small is your ear bone compared to your nose bone?

extremely big because you dont have an ear bone

What three letter word can prefix drum?

The word "ear" can come before "drum". But ear is not a true prefix. Instead, "eardrum" is simply a compound word and "ear" is not a prefix.

What ear bone starts with the letter O?

You are referring to the ossicles, which is actually the combined name of three bones in the ear called the mallus, incus and stirrups.

What bone starts with the letter i?

incus- a small bone in the earIschium ot LunateIlium, ischium, I'm not sure about the others, if, and there most likely are, there are any.