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Q: What is a female crab or lobster a three letter word h n?
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Related questions

What is the difference between lobster meat and crab meat?

Lobster meat comes from a lobster. Crab meat comes from a crab. Texture wise: Lobster meat is tougher than crab meat and not as sweet.

Three example of crustaceans?

lobsters, shrimp ,crab,barnacles,water fleas

What is the difference between Lobster crab?

both have 10 legs , but , lobster's the front three pairs bear claws , and crab's front two legs sometimes use for walking but mostly for eating.....

Is a lobster a crab?


What preditores does a seahorse have?

squid whales sharks crab lobster squid whales sharks crab lobster

What is a female lobster called?

A female lobster is called a Hen.

What are types of crustaceans?

crab, lobster

Is sebastion a crab or labster?


What is the scientific name for a crab Also what is the scientific name of a lobester Is it crusteans?

Crab is a suborder, not a species so it does not have a scientific name. Lobster is a family so it also does not have a scientif name. Japanese Spider Crab - Macrocheira kaempferi Masked Crab - Corystes cassivelaunus Vernal Crab - Liocarcinus vernalis Circular Crab - Atelecyclus rotundatus Cape Lobster - Homarinus capensis American Lobster - Homarus americanus European Lobster - Homarus gammarus Carribean Lobster -Metanephrops binghami

What are three things that sharks eat?

i got 4 but anyway fish, crab, squid, and lobster Hope This Helped

Does Zac Efron like lobster?

Yes he does like lobster but he HATES crab.

Is lobster a molusk?

No. A lobster and crab is a crustacean. An octopus, squid and cuttlefish are mollusks.