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Q: What is a famous Japanese Family Game?
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How is family spelled in Japanese?

"Family" is 'kazoku' in Japanese.

If i import a Japanese game will it work in Yorkshire?

If you have a Japanese System then it will work. IE iF you import a Japanese DS game, then you need to play the game on a Japanese DS.

What is Nobuo Uematsu famous for?

Nobuo Uematsu is a Japanese video game creator who is considered to be the best in the gaming community. He is most famous for scoring the majority of the titles in the Final Fantasy series.

Will the language and the texts of a game be in Japanese if you buy a Japanese XBox 360 game disk?

Yes, they will be in Japanese.

What is famous in Japanese?


Can you access Japanese Pokemon events with a US Pokemon game?

No, you will need a Japanese game to do that.

How can you say family in Japanese ninja?

my family

Is elsword a Japanese game?

yes elsword is a japanese game. and who thought japanese girl could be so CUTE!!!

Can you turn a Japanese ps2 game into an English game if it was Japanese?

No How do you think that you could

What do japanese kids do after school?

Many Japanese kids belong to clubs. These can be sports or game playing clubs. They do these activities after school. They also study, do homework, eat, and spend time with their family after school.

Who was the famous Japanese leader from India?

There has never been any Japanese leader from India. The Japanese are an indigenous people that are concentrated solely in Japan. There are no Japanese that immigrated to India and became famous as a leader.

Your surname Guyano a Japanese family name?

Guyano is not a Japanese family name. It is of perhaps Spanish origins.