damige is actually spelled damage it is a thing you use in the Pokemon tcg each one counts as 10 dameade
the best Pokemon to use against electric Pokemon is ground/rock Pokemon.
Tyranitar can counter it probably
in any pokemart near the counter.
you must go upstairs in the Pokemon center. Find the correct lady behind the counter to talk to. she will make you enter a room. Hope this helped.
The reception counter I think you're reffering to is located in Jubilife on the very north end, located just west of the route out of the city.
they both are terable disasters that can damige or even kill people
the best Pokemon to use against electric Pokemon is ground/rock Pokemon.
About 20. It really depends on your Pokemon's HP.
one thing you don't because you can damige there ear
A few fallen trees and power outages, washed away beaches, minor flooding
Two off the top of my head are: Wobuffet and Heracross.
You can extract Pokemon from fossils at the Oreburgh Mining Museum by talking to the man behind the counter.
Tyranitar can counter it probably
Answer is: if it say damige critical that means that if you crash 1 more time you car is dead!!!1
if your opponent attacks you and does damage, if you used counter for your attack you will deal double the damage you took
She can be tough but having a ground type, dark type and fighting type are perfect to defeat her Pokemon. Make sure you have a Pokemon with reflect or light screen that will help, when she sends out alakazam counter with the dark type, when she sends out snorlax counter with the fighting type, when she sends out typhlosion counter with the ground type.