· Radical Red (a Crayola Crayon color)
· Raw Sienna (a Crayola Crayon color)
· Raw Umber (a former Crayola Crayon color retired in 1990)
· Razzle Dazzle Rose (a Crayola Crayon color)
· Razzmatazz (a Crayola Crayon color)
· Robin's Egg Blue (a Crayola Crayon color)
· Rose
· Royal Purple (a Crayola Crayon color)
Red, rose and ruby are colors. They begin with the letter R.
No, the only two-letter scrabble word starting with R is 'RE'.
Some choices: red, rose, ruby, rust
Some household items starting with the letter R are:refrigeratorrange
Red, rose and ruby are colors. They begin with the letter R.
No, the only two-letter scrabble word starting with R is 'RE'.
Some choices: red, rose, ruby, rust
REO SPeedwagon, Rainbow...wow that's all i can think for
You(r)(re) Carrots You(r)(re) Chicken oui
In American Sign Language (ASL), you can sign "do re mi" by signing the letters D, R, and M using the manual alphabet. Point to your hand for each letter starting with your thumb for D, then R, and finally M.
The collective noun starting with 're' is a regiment of soldiers.
you cant re burn a dvd-R !