go to google and type in arcade pre hacks and when you get to that site just time in boxhead in the serch bit ( :
boxhead is the best! google it
y0our face by ttk ben
No you cannot. It is a two-player game played on the same PC. If you want multiplayer on different computers, try Boxhead Bounty Hunters.
yes its called boxhead bountyhunter
you can only make a BH character on boxhead bountyhunter
Boxhead is a developer of browser-based Flash games with an emphasis on shooting. Three games developed by Boxhead include The Zombie Wars, Bounty Hunter, and Halloween Special.
The cast of Boxhead - 2008 includes: Steve Arons as Man Emily Astrom as Girl Zen Groom as Boy Randall Kaplan as Boxhead Luke Pendley as Street Boy
There are many different locations in which a person may purchase boxhead games such as local stores or online retailers. There are many different boxhead games and which one to play and choose depends entirely on personal preference.
A Box Head is a few guys in a game including Boxhead Halloween Special, Boxhead The Rooms and, Boxhead Zombie Wars. Only play if you want to kill zombies and devils. Some characters are named Rambo, Bond. There you go.
A Box Head is a few guys in a game including Boxhead Halloween Special, Boxhead The Rooms and, Boxhead Zombie Wars. Only play if you want to kill Zombies and devils. Some characters are named Rambo, Bond. There you go.
You just have to search boxhead zombie wars hacked
go to google and type in arcade pre hacks and when you get to that site just time in boxhead in the serch bit ( :