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It is an energy drink.

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Q: What is a bodigizer?
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Where to get bodigizer on harvest moon animal parade?

To get bodigizer, you can buy them at Choral Clinic or you can make them yourself, or from whacking a mole in the mines.

How do you get bodigizer on harvest moon ioh?

On IoH, I believe you have to cook it. It is made with Orange Grass, Black Grass, and Red Magic Flower.

What does Nina like in harvaest moon ds cute?

Her Birthday is:Spring 28 She Loves Normal Items Wool, Yarn, Diamond, Pink Diamond Cooked Items Boiled Spinach, Bodigizer, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt, Turbojolt XL, Pickled Turnips, Pickled Cucumber, Elli Leaves Don't give her these she hates them Toadstool, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Chocolate

What should you press in order to consume Bodigizer in Harvest Moon?

Left Button and B Button at the same time, this is the same for all types of food consumption.

How do you get to the 255th floor on the level two mine in Harvest Moon DS?

1. get all 3 racksacks 2. get 1 racksack full of bodigizer XL 3. go to the bottom.Use the bodigizer XL as soon as your stamina is at 1 or 2.

What does galen like in harvest moon ds?

Galen Loves Normal Items Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil Cooked Items Grilled Fish, Fried Thick Noodles, Fried Noodles, Fish Stew, Boiled Spinach, Noodles, Curry Noodles, Tempura Noodles, Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura Buckwheat Noodles, Porridge, Stew, Bodigizer, Turbojolt, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL, Pickled Turnips, Pickled Cucumber, Sushi, Sashimi, Elli Leaves

How do you get an andomite at the caves in harvest moon ds?

First buy some Bodigizer XL from van at the inn on a day that ends with 3 or 8 eg... 28th, 13th get it... buy about 20 to 50 (if you have enough mony, if not in the winter hire the fishing team on the beach and yo will get 1000000000G) the go into the second mine and when your charicter has a skull above his head drink some bodigizer, kill the monsters at the bottem (255th floor) and then smash all the rocks and you might find a ANDOMITE but i can't promiss but it worked for me!! good luck :)

What does Ruby like on harvest moon DS?

Normal ItemsRice Cake Cooked ItemsAll Frypan recipes (excluding Croquette), all Pot recipes (excluding Wild Grape Wine, Rice Soup, Bodigizer, Turbojolt, and Egg Over Rice), all Oven recipes (excluding Toasted Riceballs), all Mixer recipes (excluding Grape Juice, Bodigizer XL, Turbojolt XL, and Fish Sticks), all Steamer recipes, all No Utensil recipes (excluding Relaxtea Leaves and Elli Leaves)

What food restors the Most Stamina in Harvest moon DS?

Bodigizer XL restores the most stamina, while Turobjolt XL removes the most fatigue. Elli Grass is a good combination of both stamina and fatigue loss.

How do you get to the bottom of the 4th mine in harvest moon cute?

Once you have unlocked the mine just run around the floor hoping to fall or dig for the stairs with your hoe. There is a lot of floors so i suggest you buy bodigizer from van. Hope this helps. :)

How do you get more stamina in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

Eat good food you cook yourself or buy and the Inn. You can also buy a Bodigizer in the Meringue Clinic.

Where do you find elli leaves on harvest moon ds?

It's actually called Elli Grass and you cook it. Recipe - No utensil Turbojolt XL + Bodigizer XL + burnt Frypan dish + burnt Pot dish + burnt Oven dish + burnt Mixer dish + burnt Steamer dish + burnt No Utensil dish = Elli Grass