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Oddish, Vileplume, Gloom, or Lotad

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Q: What is a blue Pokemon with a leaf growing on its head?
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Related questions

What does the leaf stone do in Pokemon Blue?

The leaf stone will evolve certain species of pokemon

What Pokemon charter is the one with a leaf thing on its head?


What level does belsprout have to be to evolve in Pokemon Blue?

In Pokemon Blue, Bellsprout evolves into Weepinbell at level 21 and Victreebell when exposed to a Leaf Stone

Is the sevii Island in the Pokemon game Pokemon Blue verison?

No they are not. They are only in Leaf green and Fire red versions

How do you get a leaf stone in blue rescue team?

go to the top of the beacon remember a leaf stone only works on some Pokemon

What Pokemon games start in Kanto?

fire red, leaf green, blue, and crystal.

What Pokemon can use HM flash in blue?

any fire Pokemon and some leaf Pokemon but you shoulb be able to find a Pokemon near the cave youre going in

What Pokemon can you find in in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Leaf green basically has all the generation 1, or original pokemon. it is like red and blue except has better graphics.

How do you find three legendary birds in Pokemon sapphire?

You can't, they are exclusive to pokemon red, blue, yellow, fire red and leaf green

Where in Pokemon Diamond is the ghost at?

Ghost is only in Pokemon blue, red, yellow, fire red and leaf green. Its useless cause its uncatchable.

Who is Lance from Pokemon?

i think lance is one of the elite four in somthing like Pokemon blue, red, or fire red or leaf green

Where can you find a leaf stone on Pokemon gold version?

bills grandfather asks you for the Pokemon with leafs on its head (oddish) cath it if u have it great show it to bills grandfather and he'll give you a leaf stone