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one of the tiny hooks along the edge of a contour feather that "zips" the barbs together

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Q: What is a barbule?
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7 letter word starts with B ends with e?

breathe, brocade, begrave, bandage, bagpipe, believe, bondage, bowable, balance, biocide, beslime, bespake, beltane, bowline, brucite, barware, burette, boylike, because, bastile, bicorne, bromize, baccate, bossage, bonaire, bivalve, baccare, brocage, bayonne, brustle, brownie, besiege, biotype, bornite, bushire, barbule, burmese, boatage, broglie, brangle, brewage, batiste, barwise, buckeye, boutade, baptize, bedside, bobance, billage, brabble, beeline, bordage, bedmate, brattle, brickle, bedtime, beswike, beastie, bromine, beldame, blankie, bottine, biplane, blackie, bugbane, bonfire, bereave, ballade, beguine, bransle, besogne, bagasse, brokage, bandore, boskage, bashyle, bauxite, blintze, bizarre, bezique, bizerte, berline, batture, biotite, benzole, brassie, bromate, bullace, babiche, brioche, beguile, barrage, bacchae, beattie, brindle, botonee, bascule, bobeche, buchloe, beprose, byssine, bubukle, bovidae, beleave, bicycle, bedsore, besmoke, behoove, borrage, borable, beshine, bernice, baggage, bramble, bismite, baptise, brusque, bespoke, bricole, blanche, beslave, brandle, brookie, begrime, banshie, brittle, burbage, biotope, brisure, beknave, benzine, bethune, backhoe, bordure, bourree, beehive, brummie, bolshie, bullate, benzile, braille, bassine, bovinae, brigade, berhyme, barmote, banshee, brucine, baillie, bristle, bromide, batable, babbage, benshee, brigose, bespice, binocle, barbate, beardie, bulbule, benzene, boscage, buoyage, boxlike, bernese, baroque, betaine, burgage, broggle, bouchee

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What is barbule?

one of the tiny hooks along the edge of a contour feather that "zips" the barbs together

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern B--BUL-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter B and 4th letter B and 5th letter U and 6th letter L. In alphabetical order, they are: barbule bulbuls

What are some seven letter words with 1st letter B and 2nd letter A and 3rd letter R and 6th letter L and 7th letter E?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern BAR--LE. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter B and 2nd letter A and 3rd letter R and 6th letter L and 7th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: barbule

What are some seven letter words with 1st letter B and 3rd letter R and 4th letter B and 6th letter L?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 4 words with the pattern B-RB-L-. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter B and 3rd letter R and 4th letter B and 6th letter L. In alphabetical order, they are: barbell barbels barbola barbule

What are some seven letter words with 1st letter B and 2nd letter A and 4th letter B and 5th letter U and 7th letter E?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 1 words with the pattern BA-BU-E. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter B and 2nd letter A and 4th letter B and 5th letter U and 7th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: barbule

What are some seven letter words with 1st letter B and 2nd letter A and 3rd letter R and 4th letter B and 7th letter E?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern BARB--E. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter B and 2nd letter A and 3rd letter R and 4th letter B and 7th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: barbate barbule

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According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 17 words with the pattern BA--U--. That is, seven letter words with 1st letter B and 2nd letter A and 5th letter U. In alphabetical order, they are: backups bagfuls ballups ballute bandura banquet barbule barbuts bariums barques bascule basqued basques battues battuta bawsunt bazouki