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A bandeau is a band worn in the hair, or a variety of strapless bra or top made from a narrow band of fabric.

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What is a 7 letter word ending in u?


What are words ending in the letter U?

3 letter words ending with U:Emu: a large flightless Australian bird.Feu: in Scotland, a right to use land or property in return for an annual payment.Gnu: a large antelope.Sou: a small French coin.Ulu: undeveloped; rural and not economically or technologically advanced; An Eskimo women's knife is known as an Ulu.You: person being addressed; person or people unspecified.4 letter words ending with U:Beau: Boyfriend; A fashionably dressed man.Ecru: a pale brown color.Fugu: a poisonous pufferfish that is eaten, especially in Japan, after the poisonous parts are removed.Guru: a spiritual leader of a religious group; somebody who has a reputation as an expert leader, teacher, or practitioner in a particular field.Juju: an object with supposed magical powers.Lieu: place or stead.Luau: a Hawaiian feast.Lulu: somebody or something outstanding.Menu: a list of food that can be ordered; a list of program options; a list or collection of different things.Thou: in prayers and hymns, the word thou refers to you, the person being addressed or written to; also refers to thousand.Thru: passing or traveling across; among.Tofu: a bean curd with no distinctive flavor made from coagulated soybean extract pressed into a cake.Tutu: a ballet dancer's skirt.Zebu: an Asian ox.5 letter words ending with U:Adieu: farewell, goodbye.Anjou: a variety of pear with green skin and firm flesh.Bayou: marshland.Bijou: a small delicate jewel or ornamental object.Coypu: a large S American rodent.Haiku: a short Japanese poem.Kudzu: an Asian vine and agricultural weed.Sadhu: a Hindu holy man who lives by begging.Snafu: a bad, chaotic or confused situation.Virtu: a love of or taste for fine-art objects.6 letter words ending with U:Apercu: a revealing glimpse or insight; a concise outline or summary.Bateau: a light flat-bottomed riverboat or rowboat.Boubou: a bird of the shrike family that is black with a white flash on each wing.Bureau: a government department or organization; a chest of drawers.Cachou: breath lozenge that sweetens the breath.Congou: a fine grade of Chinese black tea.Coteau: a hilly upland or divide between valleys.Dejavu: a feeling of having experienced something before; feeling of reliving something.Gagaku: an ancient form of Japanese classical music played at the imperial court and on ceremonial occasions.Gateau: a rich cake, usually consisting of several layers held together with a cream filling.Haleru: a minor unit of currency in the Czech Republic.Jabiru: a large tropical stork with white feathers and a naked head.Landau: a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage.Manitu: a supernatural force or spirit.Milieu: the surroundings or environment that somebody lives in and is influenced by.MuuMuu: a loose Hawaiian dress.Nilgau: a large antelope, the male of which is bluish gray and horned, the female brown and hornless.Ormolu: a gold-colored alloy of copper, zinc, and sometimes tin.Reseau: net for making lace; photographic reference plate.Samshu: a Chinese alcoholic rice drink.Senryu: a three-line ironic or satirical Japanese poem, similar in structure to a haiku.Teledu: a carnivorous animal of the weasel family with a dark coat and a white stripe down its back.7 letter words ending with U:Caribou: a large deer.Helleru: a minor unit of currency in the Czech Republic.Jujitsu: unarmed fighting technique.Manitou: a supernatural force or spirit.Nilghau: a large antelope, the male of which is bluish gray and horned, the female brown and hornless.Nouveau: having recently appeared or become fashionable.Parvenu: somebody who has recently gained wealth or social status.Plateau: An elevated, comparatively level expanse of land.Purlieu: a place that somebody often visits.Rondeau: poem with refrain; medieval French song.Tableau: a visually dramatic scene or situation that suddenly arises.4-letter wordsbabu, beau, ecru, emeu, genu, habu, iglu, jehu, kagu, leku, lieu, litu, menu, meou, prau, tabu, thou, thru, tofu, tolu, vatu, zebu5-letter wordsadieu, battu, bayou, bijou, cornu, coypu, fichu, fondu, haiku, hokku, miaou, pareu, perdu, pilau, poilu, poyou, prahu, sadhu, sajou, shoyu, snafu, vertu, virtu6-letter wordsacajou, amadou, apercu, bateau, cachou, congou, coteau, coypou, gateau, haleru, jabiru, landau, manitu, milieu, nilgau, ormolu, reseau, saddhu, samshu, senryu, teledu7-letter wordsbabassu, bandeau, batteau, bebeeru, caribou, catechu, chapeau, chateau, fabliau, inconnu, jambeau, manitou, manteau, marabou, morceau, nilghau, nylghau, parvenu, plateau, rondeau, sapajou, shiatsu, shiatzu, tableau, tamandu, tamarau, timarau, tinamou, tonneau, wamefou8-letter wordsaboideau, aboiteau, carcajou, flambeau, kabeljou, kinkajou, priedieu, williwau, zaibatsu9-letter wordsbordereau, impromptu10-letter wordsfricandeau11-letter wordsportmanteau12-letter wordseisteddfodau

Related questions

Where can you buy a colorful bandeau?

Garage....they usually have a variety of bandeau's check out

What is the French word for banner?

bannière. Also "bandeau de publicité/bandeau publicitaire" if you are speaking of an website ad banner.

Do boys like bandeau swimsuits?


Do you wear a bra with a bandeau?

Usually no, the bandeau provides some support. If you have larger boobs you may feel more comfortable with a strapless bra underneath.

What is a 7 letter word ending in u?


Where can a Bandeau bikini be bought?

Bandeau bikinis can be bought at any swimwear store. Alternatively they are normally available for sale at large chain stores such as Target, Walmart and Sears.

Is a bandeau top the same as a bandeau bra?

No a bandue bra is underwear but a bandue top can be worn as a strapless top or underneath any singlet that needs something underneath it;)

What sizes do bandeau bras come in?

Bandeau bras come in S, M, L and XL sizes. S is equivalent to 4 to 6, M to 8 to 10, L to 12 to 14 and XL to size 16. Bandeau bras come in different and original designs that are comfortable to wear.

Which companies offer Bandeau products?

Bandeau products can be purchased at Target, Forever 21, JCrew, or the Island Shop. The same products can be purchased online from places such as the American apparal store or the Loft.

What is a bandini?

A bandini is a swimsuit consisting of a strapless bandeau top and a bikini bottom.

When making a bandeau bikini top should it have padding or under-wire or both?

It can have whatever you want ! But if you have a bigger bust padding/underwire will go a LONGGG way and you will have more support and less chances of the bandeau sliding or moving out of place ..

Will the johnny b bandeau bikini come back in stock?

I think that is is curently in stock!