it is a bird in madagascar
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Nicely enough, with the question phrased in this manner--"using the letter 'x' " doesn't necessarily mean that the word needs to begin with the letter 'x'.I do not know what a Xenipirostris is--I have found reference to a Xenopirostris, which is a genus of birds. These are found in Madagascar. There are three species mentioned in Wikipedia.Van Dam's Vanga (Xenopirostris damii)Pollen's Vanga (Xenopirostris polleni)Lafresnaye's Vanga (Xenopirostris xenopirostris) 11 for describing Xenopirostris using the letter 'x':"The Van Dam's and Pollen's Vanga are both threatened, due to encroachment of their habitat which is declining in both extent and quality."[Notice the letter 'x' in the word e-x-t-e-n-t.]
X-Ray fishX-Ray tetraXanclomys - a small mammal from the Paleocene of North America.Xanthareel - yellow eelXantis - yakXantus - a birdXantusiidae (family of night lizards)Xantus murrelet - a small seabird found in the California Current system in the Pacific Ocean.Xeme - an artic fork-tailed gull.Xenarthra - mammal in South AmericaXenicidae (family of New Zealand wrens)Xenopeltidae (family of reptiles including sunbeam snake- Xenopeltis)Xenipirostris (genus of birds from Madagascar)Xenops - a rain forest bird from the AmericasXenopterygii (order of fishes including clingfishes)Xenopus - a frog; toadXenurine - a species of armadillo; a cabassou.Xenurus unicinctus - an armadillo native of the tropical parts of South America.Xerus - a type of ground squirrel from AfricaXiphias - a swordfish.Xiphias gladiusXiphosuran - a horseshoe crab.Xoloitzcuintli - a dog
X-Ray fishX-Ray tetraXanclomys - a small mammal from the Paleocene of North America.Xanthareel - yellow eelXantis - yakXantus - a birdXantusiidae (family of night lizards)Xantus murrelet - a small seabird found in the California Current system in the Pacific Ocean.Xeme - an artic fork-tailed gull.Xenarthra - mammal in South AmericaXenicidae (family of New Zealand wrens)Xenopeltidae (family of reptiles including sunbeam snake- Xenopeltis)Xenipirostris (genus of birds from Madagascar)Xenops - a rain forest bird from the AmericasXenopterygii (order of fishes including clingfishes)Xenopus - a frog; toadXenurine - a species of armadillo; a cabassou.Xenurus unicinctus - an armadillo native of the tropical parts of South America.Xerus - a type of ground squirrel from AfricaXiphias - a swordfish.Xiphias gladiusXiphosuran - a horseshoe crab.Xoloitzcuintli - a dogXoni - mystical creature.Xylophone Cat- A cat that is only by legend but some claim to have seen it.
X-Ray fishX-Ray tetraXanclomys - a small mammal from the Paleocene of North America.Xanthareel - yellow eelXantis - yakXantus - a birdXantusiidae (family of night lizards)Xantus murrelet - a small seabird found in the California Current system in the Pacific Ocean.Xeme - an artic fork-tailed gullXenarthra - mammal in South AmericaXenicidae (family of New Zealand wrens)Xenopeltidae (family of reptiles including sunbeam snake- Xenopeltis) Xenipirostris (genus of birds from Madagascar)Xenops - a rain forest bird from the AmericasXenopterygii (order of fishes including clingfishes)Xenopus - a frog; toadXenurine - a species of armadillo; a cabassou.Xenurus unicinctus - an armadillo native of the tropical parts of South America. Xerus - a type of ground squirrel from AfricaXiphias - a swordfish.Xiphias gladius Xiphosuran - a horseshoe crab.Xoloitzcuintli - a dogXoni - mystical creature.Xylophone Cat- A cat that is only by legend but some claim to have seen it.
Animals beginning with the letter X:X-Ray fishX-Ray tetraXanclomys - a small mammal from the Paleocene of North America.Xanthareel - yellow eelXantis - yakXantus - a birdXantusiidae (family of night lizards)Xantus murrelet - a small seabird found in the California Current system in the Pacific Ocean.Xeme - an artic fork-tailed gull.Xenarthra - mammal in South AmericaXenicidae (family of New Zealand wrens)Xenopeltidae (family of reptiles including sunbeam snake- Xenopeltis)Xenipirostris (genus of birds from Madagascar)Xenops - a rain forest bird from the AmericasXenopterygii (order of fishes including clingfishes)Xenopus - a frog; toadXenurine - a species of armadillo; a cabassou.Xenurus unicinctus - an armadillo native of the tropical parts of South America.Xerus - a type of ground squirrel from AfricaXiphias - a swordfish.Xiphias gladiusXiphosuran - a horseshoe crab.Xoloitzcuintli - a dogXoni - mystical creature.Xylophone Cat- A cat that is only by legend but some claim to have seen it.DinosaursXenoposeidonXenotarsosaurusXiaosaurusXinjiangovenatorXuanhanosaurusXuanhuaceratopsXuanhuasaurusXenops(a type of bird)X: Parailia pellucidaX-L Spring Tui Chub: Gila bicolor oregonensisX-Ray Fish: Pristella maxillarisX-Ray Tetra: Pristella maxillarisXami Hairstreak: Callophrys xami, Callophrys xami texamiXanthippe's Shrew: Crocidura xantippeXantic Sargo: Anisotremus davidsoniiXantus Leaf-Toed Gecko: Phyllodactylus xantiXantus Swimming Crab: Portunus xantusiiXantus' Murrelet: Synthliboramphus hypoleucusXantus's Hummingbird: Basilinna xantusiiXantus's Murrelet: Synthliboramphus hypoleucusXeniades Swallowtail: Mimoides xeniadesXenoclea Longwing: Heliconius melpomenexenocleaXenocrates Leafwing: Polygrapha xenocratesXerces Blue: Glaucopsyche lygdamus xerces, Glaucopsyche xercesXeric Ambersnail: Succinea indianaXestia Badicollis: Xestia badicollisXestia Elimata: Xestia elimataXestus Fangblenny: Petroscirtes xestusXestus Sabretooth Blenny: Petroscirtes xestusXingu Corydoras: Corydoras xinguensisXingu River Ray: Potamotrygon leopoldiXinjiang Ground-Jay: Podoces biddulphiXuthus Swallowtail: Papilio xuthus
Bird names that start with the letter x are: Xenops (rainforest bird from the Americas) Xantus's Hummingbird Xantus's Murrelet Xavier's Greenbul Xinijang Ground-Jay