A wii D-Pad is on the controller. It stands for Directional Pad meaning the arrows.
First you press the down arrow on the D-Pad. Then you raise your wii remote quickly. Now it should be balanced on your blade. Then you press C on your nunchuck and move the wii remote up (like your juggling). If that doesn't work there is a tutorial for juggling in the practice section.
The d-pad is the set of directional buttons on the left side of the controller.
the D-pad is what you use to move in basic games, it is on the left side of the DS
A wii D-Pad is on the controller. It stands for Directional Pad meaning the arrows.
on the nunchuk (a part of the wii remote) of the wii-mote (d-pad not on wii-mote other part of wii-mote,but,you have to buy it.)
=its not because its on the wii fit
the arrow button thingy
A D-pad (short for directional pad) is a set of buttons on a game controller used to indicate one of four cardinal directions. Usually it's in the shape of a + sign, or four buttons arranged in a similar pattern.On a Wii remote, the D-pad is just above the A Button.
D pad down
yes.in the back of nunchuk (part of a wii-mote) has buttons (z,&,c.)
Press down on the D-Pad on the Wii Remote.
to do your finiser on TNA IMPACT for the Wii all you have to do is push the action button( the down on the D-pad) what you have to do is lock in a hold(z+ swing remote) then press and hold the action button(down on the d-pad
Right on the D-Pad on the PS3 controler or Xbox 360 controler. For Wii I have no idea I never played it on the Wii.
Oh! It's that plus thing on the left! Looks like a +
hold b or left on the d pad