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The +Control Pad above the A button on the Wii Remote.

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Q: What is a Wii D pad?
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What is a Wii D-pad?

A wii D-Pad is on the controller. It stands for Directional Pad meaning the arrows.

Where is the d-pad on the wiimote?

on the nunchuk (a part of the wii remote) of the wii-mote (d-pad not on wii-mote other part of wii-mote,but,you have to buy it.)

What is the D-pad on the Wii remote?

=its not because its on the wii fit

What is the d-pad on your wii controller?

the arrow button thingy

What is a d pad in Wii sports?

A D-pad (short for directional pad) is a set of buttons on a game controller used to indicate one of four cardinal directions. Usually it's in the shape of a + sign, or four buttons arranged in a similar pattern.On a Wii remote, the D-pad is just above the A Button.

How do you do a submission move on tna impact for wii?

D pad down

Do the Wii d-pad have letters? the back of nunchuk (part of a wii-mote) has buttons (z,&,c.)

What button do you bum stomp on new super Mario bros wii?

Press down on the D-Pad on the Wii Remote.

How do you do your finsher on tna game Wii?

to do your finiser on TNA IMPACT for the Wii all you have to do is push the action button( the down on the D-pad) what you have to do is lock in a hold(z+ swing remote) then press and hold the action button(down on the d-pad

How do you call artillery on all of duty?

Right on the D-Pad on the PS3 controler or Xbox 360 controler. For Wii I have no idea I never played it on the Wii.

What is a d pad on animal crossing wii remote?

Oh! It's that plus thing on the left! Looks like a +

How do you put power ups behind your kart in Mario Kart Wii?

hold b or left on the d pad